
The Natasha Hastings Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization. All donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of tax laws governing the United States of America. Any donation(s) from foreign entities or individuals are governed by their country's charitable giving tax laws.

All donations are used to award scholarships, fund events and provide financial support to families of young at-risk and under-privileged girls that would not have the means to get their young girls to our events or to national track events.

For your security, this website uses SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encrypted transmission for financial contributions. This protects you and your information from being intercepted by a third party or hacker. All donations are processed through PayPal's secure gateway.

$1000.00 $500.00 $100.00 $50.00 $25.00 enter your
own amount

According to a survey conducted by the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health:

"rates of teenage pregnancy, unprotected sexual intercourse, smoking, drug use, and suicide decrease with increasing physical activity and participation in sports. Girls who participate in sports are less likely to be depressed, more likely to reach higher academic goals, and more likely to demonstrate improved self-confidence and body image."

Your donation will help impact the lives of young girls and will provide them with the opportunities that can lead to a successful future both in life and on the track.

$5 and 5 friends

$5 & 5 Friends is a campaign where we ask all of our followers and supporters to make a $5 donation to our foundation and find 5 friends to match their donation with a $5 donation of their own. Instead of a morning coffee or afternoon fast food meal, help us get at-risk, under-served young girls to national track meets and events we host. Your donation will help us Empower, Inspire and Uplift these young girls and provide them with an opportunity for success in sports and life.

$5.00 enter your
own amount

mail in donations

The Natasha Hastings Foundation
P.O. Box 424
Cedar Park, TX 78630

corporate donations

To inquire about making a one-time donation, starting an annual donation, or setting up a matching donation program at your company, please email us at:

phone donations

To donate by phone please call: 469.629.9208.


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our initiatives

Tea Time with Tasha

Tea Time with Tasha

Tea Time is intended to create a safe space for girls to ask whatever questions they may have about life in sport, and practices on how to overcome the challenges of our teenage years of loving ourselves.


N.H. National Scholarship

N.H.F. National Scholarship

Helping families that have young girls that are at-risk and under-privileged by exposing them to the opportunities of national track events that can lead to success in life and on the track.